Frustration of Sorts

Dear Hey Gorg Readers,

It's official. I win schmuck award of the year promising you this fabulous new blog time and time again only to find nothing yet has changed. I had every intention of going live on Sunday but as you can that hasn't happened. Thank you for your patience while I work on getting this figured out; and in the meantime sit tight. Blogger will not let me upload any photos so unfortunately the bloggy is going to remain post-less for a bit. I am so sorry!!

xo Rhi

28 Lovely Comments:

LifeBegins@Thirty said...

I had issues with blogger and pictures recently and for me the only way around it was to use flickr - upload your pics there and then you can put them in your post using HTML code instead (i.e. copy and paste the HTML code of the pic right into the body of your post.)

Hope that helps!

Brooke T said...

We understand! This just means we will be even MORE excited when everything gets settled :D


Abby Grace Photography said...

No worries! I still like your current one :)

jessica // union shore said...

no worries dear! we understand!

i'm excited for the new reveal though! :)

Brancoprata said...

You are so worth the wait!!! I'm sure the new blog will be beautiful!!

Mademoiselle Michael Blog said...

no worries :) you are still :)

Jacklyn said...

You know what, it happens :) It will all get worked out soon! Plus...waiting just makes it more exciting when we actually see it! So there you go. You can tell them to take back the schmuck of the year's not for you! ha.

Unknown said...

Blogger can be SO frustrating at times! Your current blog really is so beautiful, so the new one will be worth the wait. Good luck though - hang in there as you strive to go live!!!! ;)

Whim Wham Life said...

Ok, so your the most adorable schmuck ever:-) I mean, you are just adorable. No schmuck status! You're a rockstar! xoxo

A Crimson Kiss said...

Oh sweetheart, there's nothing more frustrating! Don't worry-we have oodles of patience!

{The Perfect Palette} said...

Aw, that sucks that you're out of commission! sending good vibes your way!

xo, chrissy

Gawgus things... said...

How frstrating - I'm always having problems with blogger.

Kristy Ahumada of Volatile Photography said...

: ( Aw man....

christine, just bella said...

Aww, girl. Hang in there, technology needs a good swift kick in the pants every now and then.

Lori said...

Blogger has been a b*tch lately Rhi ~ I am still here and very understanding. Hugs xoxo


No worries, Rhi! Sorry for your frustrations. Blogger can be such a pain some times...

Hope you're having a good week, lovely! xoxo

Melina said...

Can't wait to see the new blog, I'll wait patiently lol. I'm excited for you! :-)

Unknown said...

It'll be worth the wait, no worries! :-)

jacin {lovely little details} said...

i went through the same thing, frustrating, but it will be worth the patience :)

Jess said...

Good luck getting everything together! Can't wait to see the new blog!!!!

S and O said...

Redoing a blog is a hassle, let me tell you, me and my sis just updated our blog after forever and getting around to uploading the graphics was the worst part!
Can't wait to see the new one though :D

I'm now following ^_^

Alicia@CharityWedding said...

I am sure it will be worth the wait!!

Lou said...

Hi Rhi - of course keen to see the new page, but as long as you are there, your blog is alive and well and it doesn't matter if it's blogger or wordpress! You have such high expectations, I wish you could see things from our side; everything you publish has integrity and polish and is not the work of a 'shmuck'!! Chill my are living the wedding blogger dream, making your life doing what you love. You are one of the few people who can nod in agreement to those tumblr pictures of 'doing what you dream'! Good on you and go easy... Lou x

Alisha said...

No worries, sweetie. Can't wait to see it when you finally get everything linked and up and running!!


Colleen {Soundtrack To I Do} said...

We'll miss you while your gone, but we understand. :) Looking forward to the new and improved blog! (Since the old one was already pretty fab - technical issues aside.) xo

Tash said...

When it happens it will be wonderful and I can't wait to see it :)
Natasha xox

claire gallam said...

We love you and I know what it's like to have to wait forever for a new site!

Tonya Peterson said...

Worst. Day. Ever. for a blog fail. Love you! Hope it gets worked out soon!
